Profs & Pints Philadelphia: What Awaits the Naughty

By Black Squirrel Club Presents Profs and Pints (other events)

Sunday, December 15 2024 4:00 PM 6:30 PM EDT

Advance ticket sales have ended but plenty of additional tickets remain available at the door.

Profs and Pints Philadelphia presents: “What Awaits the Naughty,” a guide to supernatural beings around the world who keep kids in line and Christmas weird, with Linda Lee, lecturer in folklore and fairy tales at the University of Pennsylvania.

The song says “Santa Claus is coming to town,” not “Santa Claus is coming specifically to your house.” In many parts of the world, children who misbehave expect entirely different visitors, unwelcome bringers of punishment and fear.

Come to Fishtown’s Black Squirrel Club to get the lowdown on strange beings that prowl the long nights during the Christmas and Yule season. Linda Lee, a scholar of folklore and fairy tales who has taught at Penn and other universities throughout the region, will discuss a host of entities who appear at this time of year to make the naughty rethink their ways.

High on her list will be Krampus, the goat-like, devilish being from Central and Eastern Europe who carries chains and punishes naughty children with a birch rod.

Looking to Iceland, Lee will tell us about that nation’s Yule trolls and its monstrous Yule Cat, Jólakötturinn, known to devour those who don’t receive new clothes to wear on Christmas Eve.

We’ll also get to know La Befana, an Italian witch who rides a broomstick and visits homes on Epiphany. Turning her attention closer to home, Lee will discuss the origins and ways of Pennsylvania-famous Belsnickel, a sketchy-looking import from southwest Germany who prowls these parts handing out candy or coal.

We’ll learn about the traditions associated with each of these figures and how each one fits into celebrations of Christmas, Yule, or the winter seasons. Among the questions we’ll consider: Why do so many of them enforce good behavior? Should we be worried?

Lee’s audience loved this talk when she gave it last year. You’ll be glad you have survived Krampus long enough to be on hand for Lee’s return to discuss him.  (Advance tickets: $13.50 plus processing fees. Doors: $17, or $15 with a student ID. Doors open at 4 pm. Talk starts at 4:30.)

Image of Krampus in Philadelphia generated by Canva AI.

Black Squirrel Club Presents Profs and Pints